Vision Statement

Love Lempira exists to support the work of Honduran churches, Pastors, and missionaries as they carry out the Great Commission of Jesus Christ by making disciples in their communities (Matthew 28:19-20).


Core Values

  • Christ-honoring: All Love Lempira employees and staff will be committed to maintaining personal testimonies that honor the Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Evangelism minded: The purpose of all Love Lempira programs will be to advance the progress of the Gospel in Honduras through supporting the work of Honduran churches, Pastors, and missionaries. For example, the principal ministry program, the Manna Child Sponsorship Ministry, is a tool used by local churches to reach out to families through children’s ministry.

  • Church Based Ministry: All Love Lempira programs will be carried out in partnership with Bible-based, evangelical churches in Honduras.

  • Focused on Worth: All Love Lempira programs will be focused on communicating the God-given worth of each beneficiary and partner. For this reason, we will include Hondurans as equals in the decision-making processes. We will provide benefits of good quality and provide adequate compensation to Honduran employees.

  • Financially accountable: All Love Lempira programs will be operated with financial accountability and transparency, providing churches, pastors, sponsors, and donors with operating budgets and breakdowns of program expenses.

 Statement of Faith

We believe in one God, the almighty creator and sustainer of all things, eternally existent in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that that Bible is the word of God, authoritative, infallible, and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness.

We believe that all humans are created in God’s image, male and female, to know and love and  glorify him. However, due to the sin of Adam, all humans are sinful and are thus separated from  the holy God, destined to eternity in hell.

We believe in Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, the eternal Son of God. We believe that  Jesus lived a sinless life, died as a sacrifice for sins, and rose on the third day, then he ascended  and now sits at the right hand of God, as mediator for his people.

We believe that the gospel is the good news that Jesus gave himself for sinful people, to  reconcile people to God. We believe that each person who believes in Jesus’ sacrificial death  and victorious resurrection and confesses that Jesus is Lord receives forgiveness of sins and  eternal life. We believe that salvation is through faith in Jesus Christ alone.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, who indwells all believers, regenerates their hearts, and guarantees our eternal future. We believe that through the Holy Spirit we have fellowship with God and are equipped for ministry.

We believe that the one holy, universal, and apostolic Church is the body of Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ the head of the church. We believe that God equips his followers to make disciples through local churches, gathering of believers where they worship, hear God’s word, pray, and fellowship.

We believe God’s mission is to redeem a people for himself from every tribe, nation, and language and to restore creation for his glory. As the Father loved the world and sent his Son, and the Father and the Son sent the Spirit, the Triune God sends the Church into the world to proclaim the gospel, make disciples, and seek God’s justice and reconciliation in the world.

We believe that Jesus will return to earth bodily, in power and glory, at a time fixed by the Father and unknown to the Church, to raise the dead and judge the world. God will complete redemption and renew creation, and his people from every nation will enjoy, worship, and reign with him forever.